Eating like a girl 🎀

How eco-grifting is wrecking women's health

Women are 3x more likely to be vegetarians than men, and unsurprisingly 3x more likely to be anemic (iron deficient) even in developed nations.

Women have much higher “monthly 🔴” demand for iron and key nutrients than men do, and these demands skyrocket if they are pregnant.

Second and later born children are shorter, less successful and have lower iqs than first borns. Could insufficient prenatal nutrition be to blame?

Economic lens

Women are not less-able to afford meat than men, but they consume far less despite higher nutritional needs. Why might this be?

This is a cultural effect shaped by the food industry in pursuit of better marginal economics of vegetarian and processed foods.

Essentially, women are more compassionate towards animals, and eco-conscious and this has been taken advantage of by waves of “plant-forward” restaurants and food manufacturers seeking higher margin businesses.

Better margins

Plant-based foods have a longer shelf life than meat are far cheaper per pound and are easier to dress-up into something you can charge for. The image below is a $7 plant-based taco in NYC. The ingredients probably cost $.5 wholesale (and are cooked in seed oils).

Chic vegan eateries and plant-based meat concoctions wield airy-aesthetics and ‘clean’ branding, leaving us with a nation of malnourished mothers and soyboy sons.


I once had a relationship with an American girl who had spent some time in Berlin and had become a vegan.

Wandering lower Manhattan trying to find something to feed her so that she could maintain her self righteousness was extremely tiresome. Had we procreated I’m sure the child would have fallen short of his/her athletic and intellectual potential, despite their incredible knowledge of avant-garde European cinema.

There’s nothing punk rock or rebellious depriving yourself, you are simply the mark for another industry of con artists, whether they believe they are doing good or not.

Regenerative animal products are carbon neutral, and no one is going to IPO off of you, since you’re getting a lot more of what you pay for.

Health is rebellion, dine fearlessly
